Figure It Out
Figure It Out, the classic Nickelodeon game show is coming back to the airwaves!. Fans will soon be able to once again feel what it’s like to star in front of a studio audience, millions of viewers and a panel of celebrities on an all new amazing season.
Figure it Out takes kids with special talents or achievements and gives them the chance to win fabulous prizes while millions of viewers watch every week. A panel of four celebrity panelists (usually the stars of your favorite Nickelodeon shows) have three rounds to guess the talent or achievement of the contestant, after each round if no correct guesses are given a prize is given, if you make it to the end you win an awesome trip! And it gets even better – in one of the rounds if the celebrity guesses wrong they get slimed. This is one of the most fun, wacky and hilarious game shows of all time and now it’s back and you can be a contestant. Casting calls will be happening soon so don’t delay. For more information on how to enter you can go here nick.com/FigureItOut. Leave a comment below and tell us about yourself, your special talent and why you love the show and be sure to keep checking back to stay up to date with all of the exciting Figure It Out details.
This is the game show that has it all – amazing celebrities, fun and jokes, slime and awesome prizes. You simply have to watch televisions wackiest game show – Figure It Out.
I am an attractive 14 year old male model. I recently scored in the 98 percentile amongst all peers in a recent national standardize test. I am proficient with knowledge of most all things high-tech as well as human body function. I would be a great addition to your show.
i can balence my self on cruches and dance sing all at one time
My name is kenyetta williams and i would love to be on this show because mym talent is so awsome and i am so smart i can eat icecream while double dutching
Helloo Everyone,
My names Shannon M. Harrison. I’m 13 years old girl. My birthday is March 24, 1999. I weigh 85 pounds, and my height is 5’3. I have brown hair. I am multi-talented. I can do it all singing,acting,comedy & dancing. A picture of me can be easily given upon request! I love taking pictures. The reason I would be great for the Nickelodeon team is because I love Nickelodeon. I grew up watching Nickelodeon and always dreamed about being on Nickelodeon. I’m always ready to wow the crowd! Hopefully I can get a audition and show you guys what I got!
-Love, Shannon
my ”hidden talent” is that I can do the worm with my stomach. I am the only one out of my friends that can do it so i guess it’s a talent.
I’m 12 years old. I live in a small town in Kansas.Independence Kansas. It’s REALLY tiny.
I am 16. Athletic and i am home schooled.
I love to compete sing and also love acting!
hi, i,m 10 years old and i make solar ovens and then i make cookies in them. p.s. big time rush your my hero you were my first consert. it was exiteing because i live in a tiny town and we had to drive a long time to get to manchester.
i am auditioning
My talant is to make people laugh.I am 7turning 8. I have never been on a show I have is 3 sisters and 2 brothers.I would love to be on your show.I’m I 2nd grade.
Hi, my name is Loriel and I can do cart-wheels while jump roping.
Hi my talent is speaking 3 languages and the first time I competed in HOSA (Health Occupation Students of America) I made top ten in district and I’m going on to the State competition. LOVE this show!!!
Hi My name is Devon and i can lick my elbow and put my leg behind my head love the show and love discovering kids talents.
Hi my name is breanna I am eleven years old and my talent is moving my knuckles stand on my head and sing skyscraper by Demi lavoto and play the iano for skyscraper by Demi lavoto.
Hi My Name Is Destiny Mapp And I Have A Amazing Talent : I Talk With My Mouth Closed I Live In Cincinnati I Have 2 Sisters I Would Be So Happy To Be Apart Of This Show Im Down For The Slime !!! Please Choose Me
Hi my name is Jason Nguyen I’m 9 years old and I’m ventriloquist I’m from Denver Colorado my secret is can make a sock talk with out moving my lips.
Hi! My name is rachelle I am 11 years old and I have a good talent that no body can guss I live in Ternton,Michigan I have 2 sisters. My talent is standing on my head and singing th abc
Hi my name is gabrielle roe but everyone calls me gabby I love to horse ride, scuba dive and I am now a explorer as I am 14 and have left scouts. I have blue eyes and dark blonde hair. I have won a jack petchey award for scouts and the scout of the year also I have won 1st place in discus. I LOVE BIG TIME RUSH SOO MUCH! And I dream of being a singer and actor. Thanks for reading! 😀
i can sing and dance anyway.
I’d really like to be on the show, my life’s so boring, except for the fact that I taught myself how to speak Japanese.
Hi, my name is Madison. I’m 13 and from Kansas. My special talent is I can draw caricatures of people.
Hi, my name is Miranda Thibodeau. I am 14 but look about 16. I have been told I am funny and need my own show. I am also good at figuring stuff out and if I don’t know something Ill make it funny!!! I love being funny and I love figure it out!!! I won’t listen to the answer so I can figure it out myself!!
Hey !!!!!!!! I can talk with my mouth closed . i mean totaly closed not a little open. not at all opend .HOPE YOU PICK ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!¿!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.[ and im eleven years old] .
I can move my nuckles andknees
I’m Jake Vivial I’m 13 love acting want to be Sean think I would be great and I could model jackets or back packs what ever it is I can’t to more info email:) thank you, Jake Vivial
hi i really want to be on figure it out
hi im olivia im eight years old and i got a talent that nobody could have.
i can guess what stuffed animals or something like that and guess it right.i live in new jersey and i REALLY WANT TO BE ON THE SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my name is Marc Flores, im 13 years old, and i can play the violin with 2-3 fingers like a guitar
Name: Kat Schwab
Age: 12
I am a jump roper and take basic tricks and turn them into crazy, fun, advanced routines. Performing in shows with my team.
hi jeff, i love your show and have a couple talents one is i can do the wave with my eyebrows and 2 i can wiggle my nose and3 i can do them at the same time . i know you have a lot to read but i would really like to be on figure it out but i understand with all my heart that you just cant get me on but also this could be one small step to an even greater step. im ten years old and live in a old creaky house that i wish i could bail because my upstairs neighbors all ways fight and one time the fell and my ceiling almost broke it would be the chance of a lifetime for a ten year old girl to be on figure it out so then my teacher can tune in on tv and i could be not a dork not greedy not anything people say about me please! thank you!
Hi my name is Ryan i’m 19 and some people say i can kick a football 30 to 50 yards and they seen me kick it that far but i’m not cirtin that i can but people say i can and i love to watch this show i try to watch it everyday when i can and i live in Pennsylvania.
Hi my name is Lucy and I’m 12 years old. I can say the alphabet backwards in under 5 seconds!!
Hi, My name is Joe Mayberry. I’m in the 11th grade and I’m a all A’s student. I would like to become apart of the NICKELODEON network because I WAS BORN TO BE AN ACTOR, and I can bring the network more Fame and Fortune than any other T.V. network.
Hi! my name is Ben and i am 14. I can recite pi up to 100 digits. i can pop my thumb out of its socket, and i can bend my fingers back very far.
I’m Brooke I’m 12 and I can touch my nose with my tounge, and. shake my eyes. Everyone wants to be part of this show. But wanting is not going to get u anywhere. I’m not giving up I’m going to keep commenting and entering till you notice me. P.s. I live in m.a.
Hi my name is michaelangelo Atillio Perrera and I would love to be on your show. My special talents are rapping and dancing. I also play the saxophone. I live in Maryland. hope to get an answer soon.
Please let me on the show!!!! I want to be on the show sooo bad! I am 10yrs old I’m turning 11 in November. If I went on the show my hidden talent would be “I got 23seconds on my first round-up” Please pick me I want to grow up to be an actor and I believe this would be a great start! I live with a family of 4 in New York. And I know someone who has already been on. PLEASE LET ME ON THE SHOW!!!
hi my name is ashley martinez I am 12 years old my talent is soooo cool I can blow up a ballon with my nose yea my nose hope you pick me because I would be sooooo thank full.My mom would be sooo proud of me I never get picked for anything.I know its one in a million mine is probably the millionth one sorry my lettter is sooo long it is more like a novel hope you pick me bye.
Hi im michelle im 11 years old and I come from triangle va and I would be really greatful to be on figure it out so just please reply
Back as soon as posible!!!
Sincerly,michelle galindo
Name: Destiny Jackson
Live: Decatur,Georgia
Talent 1: I can drink 10-15 soda’s in 1 minute and 45 seconds
Talent 2: I can draw a Sonic Character in 1 minute and 30 second
Talent 3: I can talk so fast it will make you got insane
Talent 4: I can make a great food advertisement / I the best kid chief
I would love to be on your show because, i can dropkick half way down a soccer ( u12- u14). plus my freinds don’t think that someone from sault ste marie michagan can be on tv. so if you pick me i will prove that any thing can happen even if you live in a small town. So please please please chose me
hi my name is emily heintzelman i live in lockport IL i am 12 years old.
my talent is that i am the state champion at singing solo song and chior songs. i love to sing i have won many metals at takeing a solo and defeting other kids at diffrent schools.
i am in chior at kelvin grove school I LOVE TO SING MY HEART OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My name is Rosemarie .
14 years old .
And I would love to audition for your show , I filled out an application for my talent . But my talent is that I can jump over an ankle “skip it” really fast , and after that I can pick up things with my foot (: Thanks for letting me audition <3
hello i am raiya and i am 12 and i was born on august 18th i am the oldest to. i would like to be pick this is the only thing i like talent is jump rope
I am 13 from rainy oregon and I can sing adele songs.
Hi my name is Cassnadra. I am 13 and I can I can stand on one hand while hula hoping
I am 11 years old and I will like to addition for your business figure it out. I can sing along with my own music and not mess up.
Hi there!
name: Alex
gender: Female
age: 16
“talent”: i sing, dance, do gymnastic stunts, and martial arts stunts all at once.
Extra: im not going to be one of those people saying “oh you should put me on your show because i havent laughed in a long time and blah blah blah” im actually going to tell you why I would LOVE to be on your show. ever since i was a kid, i have waited until i was old enough to be on tv. Now that i am older, i would still like to be, but my main reason is for my little cousins Gianna and Owen. they both watch Disney along with Figure It Out whenever they can. If they saw me on the show. they would completely freak out and i just want to do this to make them happy now. of course i would have fun too.
Thank you and sorry that was kind of long. Hope you seriously consider me!
Hello! I am 13. I am a artist, I can paint, draw, and do digital art… I can also paint on a pogo stick <3! I have always wanted to be on a game show, please pick me :P.
Hello! I am Emma, I am 15, and I can make realistic miniature foods out of clay! They are usually the size of a dime or quarter.
Hi my name is Josie and I am 10 years old and I play soccer bascket ball foot ball and I snow board I have done about 4 contest and got 1 and 2,3,4 but it is still fun and I have been singing for 9 years and I am from Indianapolis bye have a good day:-)
Hi my name is Flerines but many call me Fleri, I am 15 years old turning 16 on October 10th, 2012 and i learn hard choreography from famous singers like Byonce, Ciara, and many more, and i also belly dance.
Please choose me.
hi my name is genesis as you can see my Talent is to play the Tamborine ive been playing that instrument for 7 years and im really good at it im 12 and i live near los angels my race is Hispanic i hope im chosen for such a great opportunity.
My name is Kaylah Humphrey. I live in both Los Angeles and San Diego.
I am a Female
Age:12 – DOB: December 16, 1999 (Can be portrayed as older.)
Hair color: Dirty Blonde
Hair texture: Soft, Natural Curls. Can be flat ironed or left natural.
Eye color: Hazel
Height: 5’4
Weight: 116 lbs.
Skin tone: Tan (Not too dark nor too light)
Special Skills: Acting, Picture taking, Playing the saxophone, Singing, Playing soccer, Playing Softball, and doing Hair and Makeup.
Why you should consider me: I have a fun and bubbly personality and I’m ready for anything! I’m just getting started in the acting world and i think this show would be great for me! I’m very funny and according to others, quite the charmer. I LOVE to sing and act. I am always the lead in plays, so I have acting skills. I’m very humble and down to Earth, so I don’t think that will change.
Thanks for considering me and/or reading this!
I am nine years old. My friends and family call me Brookie Cookie. I love the show! My talent is…. I can shake my eyeballs. Its pretty crazy and everyone always wants me to show them. I would love to be picked for the show!!
Hey I’m Andres Rodriguez , I’m a boy 14 year old looking to be in a show, my dream have always been to be a nick star, I’m a great singer and actor, in school I’m always that main character, I’m in highschool freshman
Thank you for your time
I think i should be chosen for this show because I can touch my nose with my tounge without using my hands my grandpa showed me.
I absolutely love acting! This show would be a great experience..! My special talent would be.. COOKING. hahah, I’m fourteen, I was born on November 12, 1997, I live in Ohio. Hope to hear from you! I’m 5’2″, dark brown hair, brown green eyes!
hello my name is javier ortiz
bio: i am 13 i always wanted to be an actor i wish i hear from you soon
Hi im dara im from texas and im in 7 different sports and i sing… Im 11 years old.
i live in chardon,ohio also known as one heartbeat every body is so depressed i have not laughed or barley smiled it will be really fun for my to laugh and smile again so please put me on the show.
Hi, my name is Abby Dallet. I’m 14 years old and i live in Wisconsin. I can do a cool trick with my stomach plus i can do the wave with my stomach. I can bend my toes and then only move my pinky toe but when i bend my toes they bend half way. Also, I’m really double jointed in my fingers so i can bend the top part without bending the rest. I can do that on all of my left hand and 2 fingers on my right hand. I would really love to be on the show! It would be an amazing experience!
My dog can also now do a double high five while walking on his rear legs. Plus he can do many adorable hand shaking tricks again he can also spin around while standing on two (hind) legs which I taught him I would love to show everyone my success in training my dog pretty well
My talent is awesome i can curl my tongue into a taco/burrito, make waves, and a pretty flower! I am 10. If you pick me I will be so thankful and will hug u to death because i have never been to another state! Pick me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
My name is Lian and I can play pop/rock songs on the violin. Also on the viola. I am 13 years old, and I can sing really loud opera. For example, I can do it from Bohemian Rhapsody. My friends say I should go on this show because they have seen some of my crazy talents. Please condiser me for Figure It Out!
My name is Ryan and I am twelve and I trained my dog to do amazing tricks which most people can’t do!!!
i like to be on you show so get me if you do thankyou BTW i am 8/
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I am autumn baxter i just turned 9 last month and i would love to play on figure it out please put me on your show
i know how to jump rope backwards
hi my name is taylor henderson if any people from fio are looking at this please im 10 please give me a call at 941 320 2060 if i dont answer i will call you back thanks
hi my name is jahmonte clemmons i live in wilson,northcarolina i am 11 untill august 1 my talent is i can act,dance,sing,rap,poetry tipickly every thing that means being on stage. i used to be in a rap and singing group for my school and a poet in the talent show and in last may my class sung a song for the vetrans.my dream has always been to be on tv and make itbig time so please pick me.
Hey my name is Rose. I have a talent. Im able to play an entire song on the recorder solely using my nose. Maybe i can play a nickelodeon song.
Hi my name is jakya and I hope u pick me cause I have a good talenlent and some of those prizes u give out I havent even seen them befote I hope I get pick I have my figers crossed and im prayying
My Name Is Jenna, I Make Charms And Jewelry Out Of Clay.
I am 7 yrs old and I can say my alphabet backwards fast!! I live in east stroudsburg,pa and would love to be on your show. My mom says I can audition!Please pick me,I can’t wait to be slimed.
i would love to go to LA, and be a guest panalisit on figure it out. i have a great talent. it would be a dream come true, to audition and meet celebertys, and win cool prizes. I LOVE FIGURE IT OUT!!! plus my daddy works for the president.
Hello, my name is Kareemah and I’m eleven years old. I live in Burlington, NJ 08016. I can sing with my mouth closed. I love Figure it Out! Please pick me.
Love Your Number One Fan,
Kareemah McNeil
My talent is to hold and ride two scooters at the same time. I would really apreciated if you picked me oh and I am 9 years old.
Hi Jeff my name is nashani love figure it out .I have a good talent I never. Missd. One episode. I have a awesome talent please pock me I’m desperate please thanku so much
I love the show. No matter wat
Hi I am not sure if this is a talent but I can make my tounge look like the front of a tanker boat and a whale. BTW I am 10 years old and would love to be on Figure It Out.
hi my name is shangela barton i am eleven years old and i won the championship in singing and dancing so please pick me
Hi my name is Khamiya. I’m 13 years old until October 2nd and my talent is 1) can talk and sing with my mouth closed and 2) Won 2nd place in a school singing competition. I would like I be on figure it out because I think I could stump the judges and put on a good show and I’ve wanted to get slimed for as long as I can remember
I’m Morgan and i duct tape my drum sticks.. (I play percussion)
Hi I love your show.Can I be a guess? It was my birthday on August 10.
hi,my name is calli walling,and my talent is ”singing victorious make it shine”……..i can do well
my name is jessica liptak i am 24 years old i have brown hair and i look like exactly like victoria justice i gradulated from school and i have blue eyes i have 1 brother and 1 sister feburary 17 turned 25 i live in out side of honesdale bethany i would love to be one of the panelist on the show.
i would love to be one of the panelist on the show love the show
Hi I’m Kelli and I have 3 Talents I can do a one hand one foot cartwheel and I can lick my armpit I know it’s gross but its cool and I can run really fast please consider me for this show. I wanna get slimed!!!!
Hello i am thirteen years old and i make electric guitars. i also have played for 6 years and love building more than acually playing the guitars. I would be pleased to be an entry on figure it out. Guitars are my passion and i want to share it with the world. Thanks for listening
Katie blodgett
Hey! My Name is Paige Miller and I can Play the recorder with my nose! I’m eleven years old until March 3! Please pick me! Thanks for reading!!
My name is Gavin and I am 11 years old. My talent is I can “clack” (sounds like a popping sound) my tongue really, really loud. Please pick me for your show!
Hi my Yvette and I am 13 years old and I can twist both of my arms backwards and after I’m done with that I can can make my eyes make my eyes go all white so pick me please
hi my name is Kelsey and im 10 in a half, and i am a very good dart player. please if i could be on figer it out i would like to be slimed and i could dart you right up!!!! 😉
Hi my name is Mia, I’m 12 years old, and I love to surf. The wierd thing about it is I live in Lake of the Ozarks, MO, so there is no ocean. Anyway I would love to be on your show. I always watch nickelodeon game shows and have always dreamed of being slimed.
My name is Roshana ,I am 11 years old and live in the uk.But really want to live in the usa.I love acting,singing and dancing.I know because I live in the uk you dont want me but I just want to tell you about how much I have a passion for acting.I would really love to be a actress and hopefully you can make my dreams come true. I have so much respect for you.
It would be a dream come true.Please fulfill my wishes and help me to become a actress .If it dosen’t work I will still try everything I can do to become a actress and maybe one day you will hear about me.Please help me to be a actress.I have no hope as a actress in the UK.But usa is where all the dreams come true so please let the dream be mine.
My name is janna and I can walk with a back bend.
Hi my name is Alexa I am ten years old and my talent is hula hooping
Im best at balancing
hi im 10 years old and i can train dogs. i really love your show. please pick me. i live in middle town. please.
HI . .My name is Diamond Bogan . I’m 14 years old, and i’m black . My talent is singing .
Hello . My name is Rosemarie Easterling . I’m the 6th out of the 8 children . I’m 14 years old , and i’m African American . And My talent is Spinning a ankle disc around my ankle really fast while blindfolded (: I would love to be on the show . Thank You !
#bring on the slime
I find this piece very compelling. It’s triaagulnr shape works for me formally, calling to mind the trinity represented in the church, yet the shape of the leaf is paganistic, like the Birth of Venus. It makes me very melancholy and nostalgic, as if it’s reminding me of a time when religious idols and sexual attraction weren’t divorced (something we now are forced to find in pop-idols). I’m still trying to figure out what to do with the face in the window. But I do know that it’s necessary. It’s what upsets the gentleness of the image and keeps me enraptured. Nice.
I am in 3rd grade and I can read on a 7th grade reading level
sllimmmmeeeed you mean slime, slime is my middle name. i always imagine myself being slimed. ooh it is so awesome. am from nigeria. people say am very funny, which i am .please pick me i want to be slimed pls.
ahhhhhhhhhhh! big fan of your show! would love to be a part of it. I live in West Palm Beach FL and i compete in horse back riding with my best friend
I can eat a Bananna in 2 Bits
We are a very flexable kids.We are the most flexable in are family,And we can touch our heads with our toes ,And p.s. zoe thins u r cute.
I can sing jazz so it can make your head spin
Hi my name is tanner hill I am 13 years old and I can drum while blindfolded.sorry I messed up on the next one.
Hi my name is tanner hill and I can drum while blindfolded
I can dance to pop music
Im 11 years old and can easily pop up to 3 balloons with my mouth in under a minute. I think i would be great on the show but thats up to u!
My talent is poping balloons with my teeth. I would love if i could be on figure it out. I watch it on nick all the time.
Hi my name is Taryn Chriswell – Jackson ( not my full name ) and I’m currently 12 years old, until September 1st. My talent is that I’m a mechanic. I work on cars with my grandfather at his own workshop. I live in Detroit, Mi and I’m more than sure that there aren’t many children my age that does what I do. Also, it will be very hard for the stars to figure out my talent. Anyway, sorry to take up your time but I hope that I’ll here back from you. Thank you for reading.
My name is Skye manning. I’m 14 and I can hold 30 marshmallows or more on my mouth while having 3 dictionary’s on my head while skating on one foot.
my name is madison deSantis i am 10 and my talent is playing piano/keyboard. i can figure out how to play songs on piano just by listening to the notes. to me its really easy. i learned how to play rolling in the deep by adele and most of the theme song to rocky and a ton others. i think i would be awesome on your show
Hi my name is Jon Ledesma i am 12 years old and i can jugle a soccer ball in my feet while break dancing i have won 3 nacional championships i would love to be on your show to show my tallent
Hi, I’m Haleigh Gonyo, I live in Colchester,Vermont , And I’m 9 years old. I stack cups while keeping salt in my mouth
My name is Austin I live in Lillington NC and I can ride my bike while wearing rollerblades and doing a no hander. Oh and I can also ride my bike no handed while turning in circles 😛 got to run
hi my name is jaden im eleven years bold and I canbend the top of my right pointer finger ive been watching nikoldeon for years and i would LOVE to be on the show
I forgot to say – BRING ON THE SLIME! Don’t be afraid to do it!
I can hula hoop while putting on a rubber band glove that I invented and dance to the Cha Cha Slide. I am 7 with blonde hair and blue/green eyes, and I love the show!! Please pick me!
I would llloooovvveee to be here on figure it out I can do great imitations of people and animals. I would also love to get slimed!!!!
I forgot I’m a really good Singer
Hi I’m Dalton I can stand And ride on the midlle bar of my bik
i am 12 almost 13. i have a talent i am Justin Biebers number one fan:)!
my name is kasizn im 11 years old and i can eat a watermelon in 5min
I sold this thing called alien punch and made 30 bucks i one week please let me go on the show
my name is Sarah and i live in NC and i have a strang talent. my dad tought me how to put a duck to sleep with my hands. i have always wanted to be on figure it out please pick me
Hi my name is Paige and i am 14 and my pinky finger makes a weird cracking noise. I broke it once and when i got my cast off i went back to playing volleyball and i jamed it so i had to get another cast because it wasn’t fully heald and now it makes a strange noise. I creeps a lot of people out. I would love to be on your show i am watching it while i am typing this. You can hear my pinky from a far distance as well. I also won an award for best writer in my school. My english teacher sent in my essay and she got a letter back and i was in 3rd place out of 100 entries. It would make me so happy to be on your show. Bring on the SLIME 😉
Hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 I’m Isabella and I can sing VERY good. I have been told I have an EXTRAORDINARY voice, so please consider this. I am 11 years old.
Hi , my name is Rene Martinez , I am boy i live in wisconsin dells , WI. i am playin the saxaphone and im not as good i just stated a week ago and i can play jingle bells . i have brown hair , i am 11 years old im turning 12 on October 16 . i have been in a musical at my school. i am 4.11 , and i always wanted to be slimmed and i want to be an actor
I forgot to say im in New Orleans and i just luv figure it out
Hi my name is Shanti Victoria Broom and I would like to be on figure it out because i can sew felt into toy food. I’m 11 years old turning twelve this month and i really want to show everyone my talent.
please let me be on the show really need get my bro a b-day present.I can knit with my eyes close
hello i am brianna i am 11 and weird. i knit with my eyes close plez i really whant to my brother only got a yohoo for his b-day and i whant a b-day gift for him me and my dad whants this. to gift a for chase plez,at least let me on the show i whant him to have a good prezent i also do impresions and my last name . plez i alwas wanted to be on T.V plez for my brothers 13th b-day i tell you my info on hotmail o.k i really whant to get him a b-day i dont whant to get slimed but chase ill do any thing for him i like the show nick:) TY
Hi I am 33 and I used to watch a similiar show when I was younger and I always wanted to be on the show and this look’s like sooo much fun. Me and my family want’s to play and have fun on Nick Nick Nick Na Nick Nick Nick-NICKELODEON!
Hello my name is Nathan and My hidden talent is I can break 5 wooden boards in 10 seconds
Hi my name is Derek
I’m 11 yrs old. As a birthday present when I was 8 I got a compound bow and arrow set. When I was ten I got my first pellet gun. For my 11th birthday a new long bow. I have become an expert target shooter with either weapon.
I live in Clovis California
My name is TyJayJuan and I can pizza spin a foam filled pillow
Hi I’m Sasha! I live in San Diego, CA. I’m 7 years old and I can whistle really fast! Well, I think so 😉 I would love to be on Figure It Out, I watch it all the time. I think it is very interesting, so now for a change I think I would like to be the interesting one. I have blue eyes and long blonde hair. My dad and mom like to watch it, too. I think it would be great to get slimed—
Let me know soon!
hi im sarah and my talent is to ask the most questions please pick me it is my dream to be on a tv show
oh and i love your show and i play roller derby i starrted skating when i was 3-4 years old and i can defenetly jump over four people i feel very confadent in jumping over five though so thank you if u consider me in having a worthy talent
Hi. I’m Tramaine Van Putten and I’m 10 years old. I live in albany NY. My talent is gymnastics. I can do a backhand spring backhand spring back tuck on a trampoline. That is a really good talent. Please my family and I really need that vacation so please let me be on figure it out!!!!!!!! PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
hi my name is maggie i am 12 years old and i can jump over at least 4 or 5 people on skates i think its a pretty cool talent and i hope you do to??
my name is angelina duran.Iive in San Fernando,California.My hidden talent is I can make a song about any topic in just one minute,so that is why I would like to be on your show.
hi my name is Carly I’m 10 years old and can do highschool multiplication. please pick me I’ve been working really hard on this math it would be really cool
I’m Paris Crawford and I drove my dad’s car when I was five years old.
Hi. My special talent is twirling batons. But There is a more cooler part to this. I can twirl in very dim lights. I figured out I could do this when my family had a bonfire one night. I can use certain reflections to see my baton. It would be really cool to be on figure it out. I am more advanced than you would think though. I can do many tricks. Here are some an what they are:
Toss turn (toss-spin-catch)
Double “2-spin” (toss-spin 2 times-catch)
Body wraps (spin batons around waist)
And so much more
P.s. I am 11 and I would love to be on figure it out
Hi my name is Claire. i am 8 years old. i would LLLLOVE to be on this show. my talent is to lick my own elbow. not many people can lick their elbow.please let me be on this show. it would be awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi my name is Zoe Zuleger. I am 10 years old, and I’m really flexible. I can arch back and touch my toes to my forehead (and see them). I would love to be on Figure It Out!
Hello my name is laurel and Im a talented broadway
Musical singer and I’m hoping that you will put me
On the show it is my biggest dream thanks for taking your time to reed this
I appreciate it .
I LOVE your show.I’m 10 and it would be an honor to be on your show, and it would be honor to be SLIMED on YOUR show. Anyway I have a LOT of talents but I can only use 1. So my HIDDEN talent is gonna be… I can talk for MORE than FIVE MINUTES about ONE subjuct NONSTOP!!!!!!!!!!!!! So choose me if you want please and thank you!!!
please pick me
hi, i’m diego i’m 4 yrs.old(I turn 5 on aug. 6) and i am like a mini zooligist.I hope i’m old enough to even enter.My family thinks it’s impressive I know more about animals than them. i love figure it out!!!!!!!!!!
hi, i’m evelyn I’m 10 yrs. old and I have 2 talents I can sing and I also wrote 1 of the best stories in my whole school
i am 10 year old allisyn neal i can make a sound of an emu and hula hoop with six hoops
Hey nickelodeon I love ur shows and I can shake my eyes while touching my nose wih my tounge and I don’t move any other part of my body. I am 12 years old I turn 13 in feburary 20 2013 and I just reaally hope u pick me I LOVE that show and there’s many other people saying the same thing so I know I have no chance. But if ur really reading this, that would be really awesome. So bye-bye
i can knit with my eyes close i really love my 2 big bros i live in delray FL and GA valdosta in summer i am a good acter i do impresions i also really love this show the impresions are the funny thing that kids hear
I love figure it out. I can sing a really high note.
hi I’m David and I’m 10 years old and my talent is teaching old dogs to do knew tricks
My name is Stacey and I can eat yogurt while playing the piano and sing
My name is Nicole Rivera and I am 12 years old. l live in Bronx, New York. l have so many talents. lt will be an honor to be on the show. One of my talents is humming and beat boxing at the same time. Its sort of the human orchestra can do.
My name is Kaytryn I am 5 ft,11 years and have brown hair blue eyes and im double jointed and super flexible. I live in Midlothian,Texas. Please pick me to be on Figure It Out.
Hi I’m brittany and I’m 10. I can throw a hula hoop back and forth with my wrists and flip my arm all the way around and bend it back and forth. Please pick me
hi my name is mercedez. but people call me sadie. so my talant is i can do gymnastics. and i went to Wisconson for a gymnastics meet. also i won first place valt champion out of 21 people in my age group. So i guess that’s my talant. also pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease puuuuuuut meeeeeeee on your show so buy
thank you
My name is Kammeryn, I’m 11 years old and I can lick my elbow!!! My dream is to be slimed and meet some of the nickelodeon cast.
Hopes and Dreams you’ll pick me,
Kammie (:)
My Name Is Kaylee Im 11-12, I Can Put All My Weight On My Head And Shoulders And Put My Feet In There While Doing It, I Also Own My Own Buiseness , Please Choose Me, I Am An Actor Also.
my name is ashley hackett and i just turned 10 yesterday and can sing while my sister screams bloody murde. do please pick me
Hi! My name is Abbey and I am 12 years old. My talent/sport is barrel racing. Im still getting faster every time and I still might not be the fastest but I love it and I think I am great at it! If you pick me, I would try not to let you down and you would love my horse!
hi my name is janelle i am 12 years old and i can sing the alphabet BACKWARDS in less than 5 seconds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. i can whistle through my tongue
2. throw a football in perfect spiral behind my back up to 15 yards!!!
im 13 years old and i love your show!!!!
Hi my name is Aaliyah. I am 11 turning 12 tomorrow and i can touch my nose with my tounge. I can also wiggle my nose around vigorously. Please pick me foe the show. It would be the best birthday present ever!!!!!
Hi I am Juliana jacobson I am 16 and have been in a musical with a cast of 60 people. My high school performed Les Mis and none was cut. I hope you pick me!
Dear Nickelodeon, my name is Amaya i’m 9 years old i am an amazing drawer, and i am also left handed and most people think left handed people have bad hand writing and draw bad drawings. If you pick me i will be really exited and i won’t let you guys down. I can also scream really really loud once i accidentally almost blew out my sister’s ear drum
i want to be in the show i have a talent
Hi my name is Amerah Jones ,
I love watching figure it out . It is so funny , fun , SLIMMY , silly . I some times get picked on but this would be AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my talent is that i can say my ABCs in less than 1 minute
from , Amerah Jones : D
My name is celine. I love your show and would love to be on your show.My talent is dancing.I go to p.s.14 in manhattan.I hope you would be kind and choose me .
I am 7 years old. and I am double joiented . And I always wanted to be on Figured it out. And I love the host
My name is Aidan and i can fold my tongue 2 times in a row, tip to middle then side to side.
Name: Tamila A
Age: 15
Location: Germany Cologne,Uzbekistan Tashkent ( distance is not a problem for me)
Eye colour: green with grey
Hair colour: Dark brown
Nationality: Russian a little bit of Armenian and Uzbek
Languages: Russian ( native language), English, French and I am lerning German.
Hobbies: Acting and Photography
I was in one movie in my country and really want to acting because
Its my life I really like it and I also was in one magazine in my country. I
Want to acting because I am this kind of people who was born with it. And I hope I will act somewhere I really want it.Thank you.
my name is katherine johnson I am 11 years old. I rrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeaaaaaaaaalllllllyyyyyy want to go on figure it out my talent is i can sing and talk like alvin and the chipmunks
Hi, our names are Jerry and Justin Henderson. Jerry is 15 and Justin is 13. We watch the show everytime it comes on and we would love to be on the show too! Our Talent is that we can read each others mind.Please allow us on the show.
Hi I am Emily I am 13 and I love this show. My sister and I have a fun talent that we both enjoy…..
She sits on my shoulders while we play our instruments. We really want to be on Figure It Out!!!!!!
Hi! Our names are Grace and Kirsten. We enjoy watching figure it out and would love to be on the show.
We are 10 years old and our talent is dancing with hula hoops and doing gymnastics.
Bring on the slime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;)
Hi my names is James and I can make a seriously weird clucking noise with my mouth.! Its weird., watch the panel guess that. Please I really love nickelodeon. Especially spongebob.!
Hi my name is kirra and my talent is that I can throw a softball a far distance. My other talent is I can name celebertys with my eyes closed.
Hi, my name is Tayaina and I and 12 years old. My hidden talent is rubbing small plastic containers to make music… I realized i was good at it when i was board one day and decided to make really cool music in my own way…. It isn’t like ordinary music containers with rice or beads inside of it. I would really be thankful if i got a chance to be on Figure It Out because nothing good has never really happened to me. Also, it could give me a chance to win a free vacation and take my newborn little sister on her first trip. my family would also be greatful and very happy.
I am 6yrs old and i am the biggest fan of FIGURE IT OUT!!! My dream come true would be to show my talent and see the others get slimed. I am the best Baton girl in my town. I have lots of trophies and enjoy parades.
Hi my name is Casey I’m 12 years old I live in Pennsylvania I have a talent it is using my tongue to touch and pick my nose PLEASE BRING ME ONTO THE SHOW IT’S MY LIFES DREAM TO BE ON A TV SHOW THAT KIDS WATCH!!!!!
Hi, my name is Payton Holben I am 12 years old and I have to awesome talents…
1- I am a Champion Gymkhana racer with my awesome horse, Rosa
2- I play Rock & Roll songs on my saxophone
Im 15 , my super special talent is i can put my foot behind my head and stand up on the other foot and hop around and go about the day. I am mixed , brown hair and eyes . I am 5′ 10” .. I live in Missouri . Please email me !
Hello veiwer my name is Jayla Wells my secret talent is Robot danceing to 60’s music I’m hope to go to Figure it out thank you.
hi my name is monique bradshaw i am 11 and i
love your web show
I’m miles my talent is I can wiggle my ears PLEASE PICK ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love your game show it is so funny i would love to be on figure it out I’m 10yrs old and i live in Palmdale California and I am a straight a student at Cimarron Elemetary School I wish you choose me and I have a girlfriend named Abbygail .
My name is bailey and I have a talent I am really flexable and I really want to be slimed so please pick me:)
My name is nancy and my hiden talent is I can ride a bike while wearing roller skates please pick me
Hi.My name is Tabitha.I am 10 years old.My hidden talent is being super flexible for fun.I hope you pick me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hi my name is jared im 12 and my talent is useing my tounge to pick up popcorn and eat it like a frog with flys i dont know if this is the best talent but id really apreciate it if u do pick me. Thanks
i can sing, dance, and act. i’ve been in 5 plays 1 opraetta and i love to try new things!! you will love my attitude and if u dont believe me ask my friends!
Hi my name is Marisa and I made a made a duck tape business that Makes anything from sandles purses and Bowes and donates the money to places me and my sisters run this her name is Molly.We liive in Ohio
Hi im abby and my hidden talent is
my toe touches my head while hopping backwards.
Game shows are my favorite shows and ive always wanted to be on one
name:araceli bazaldúa
i love running,joking, amd dance, im smart, and really sweet, i do not like to see people sad, i always do what i can to make.them smile 
age:17 years old
birthday: may,09,1995
town living : Chicago,Illinois
tel. (773)7935719
about me:v
im araceli from.Chicago, im 5’2 im athletic, and funny, i love making people happy and smile all the time, im a trype of girl that is always with a big smile in my face, green eyes,pale skin, my hair color is red for now, my parents are Mexicans bit i was bor in Chicago, i also look Asian
Hi there! My name is Breanna Riley and i’m 13 years old, but that’s not important. I am commenting for my best friend and sister Molly Stevenson. She is 6 years old and loves your show. Molly is a great person and is very fun loving.She has recently gotten her tonsils taken out but is staying strong, and that’s one of her many great qualities. Molly has a ton of jaw dropping talents that would make your show fun and exciting for all of its viewers. Please contact me regarding this information as soon as you can. I appreciate your time and Thank You for reading this! Have a great day!(:
PLEASE consider me! I really think that you’ll be inpressed by how animal like my impressions are!! I can also do buggs bunny!! Ill do cat, dog, and monkey!! But the monkey is kinda weird! I would REALLY like to meet some awesome nick stars! And most of all, GET SLIMED!! YAHOOO!!
I am a 14 years old girl and i can balnce a bat on my hand and one finger and swichi the figer its on. I can also swich it from one hand to the other with out puting it down. I would love to be on figure it out.
i am really good at backbends and round offs and it would be my dream
My name is Monica and I’m. 10 years old. I deasine. Pillows out of beads. I. Really. Wish I can go on Figure it out. I cry every. Day to go on figure it out so please choose me. And can I get an guitar for my prize that’s all I want if I go. Il cry if I don’t get picked so please pick me
hi i am nisha basheer and my talent is singing at small events.ever since i could remember my first love was singing. i saw this show and just knew it was amazing. i would love to share my talent with u and your viewers if you let me. my voice ranges from a tenur to soprano. im 13 and live in nyc
Im Caleb and Im 13 and I want to be on this show because I can practically draw any Super Hero from scratch and I can turn poetry into a Rap song and sing it.
Hello peoples of FIGURE IT OUT! My talent is… that my shoulder blades created a cartleidge. That makes my shoulders pop making my chest pop. Its alot wierder than it sounds. PS 11yr old wrote this…
hello my talent is that i throw dog toys in the air and my dog catches them
I’m Marissa. I’m 12 years old and my talent is singing for other people’s enjoyment. I think I could really impress some of those celebrities.
Hi my name is Kiera Abrahamson! I just turned twelve on May 27. I am a huge fan of jeff sutphen! I think he is really funny! I would really lije to be on the show! I can play football better then any boy you probably know. I currently play on a fastpitch softball team called the Arizona Hotshots! My talent is I Make Decorative Things Out Of Ducktape! Please put me on the show. It would be an awesome!!!:)
my talent is freestyling in tape shoes while wearing and looking like a half rock star.
ps.i love nickelodeon
hi my talent is really cool and im really good at it.
Hey Jeff my name is carter behrns my talent is playing my ds for5 hours I’m a boy and im7 I live in new York bye
Hello wonderful host my name is Averie bass and my talent is arapastel drawings i have competed in 6drawing contests in France Italy new York newjersey Scotland and Japan I hope you choose me Good luck.
Ps if you choose me I live in new York so I’ll need passports and tell where to go Jeff ok kiss kiss bye
Oh sorry pps ineed to no when also like your hair today very snazzy handsome
my talent is scooter riding and im one of the best in my city, palmdale
my talent is i know 7 pressure points and still learning more
I am 13 years old. my talent is singing and I was given the honor to sing the national anthem for the coyotes hockey team with my honor choir. I would really appreciate being on this tv show. I love to watch your show. please at least consider me a contestant. thank you
I have to say I used to watch this show in the 90s when it first came out. I am 21 years old. My talent is cooking. I would love to be on the show even though I am older than most of the people on the show.
Hi!! I know that I said I could sing gut I ALSO have a weird talent that I didn’t even think of!! I can make really awesome animal and baby sounds! I can talk in a cute little kid/baby voice and do cat and dog sounds! When I did them at school people were like, ” what the heck?” So please take this under consideration!! And thank you for at least reading this!!
Hi! It’s me again…. Ok, look. I know that people don’t want someone with a lame talent and that they want something to show the people! But please let me show you what I can do because I’ve been singing since I was 3 and have been practicing for the day that I get my big chance… So please let me be on the show!! It’s.. It’s my dream! And I wanna show you guys what I can do! So thanks for at least reading this!
Hey hey hey!! What’s up people? I have AMAZING singing and piano skills! I know that many people can do that, but if you give me a chance I’m sure that I’ll make you go, “……WOW!!! That.. Was… AMAZING!!” But if your STILL not impressed I can show something, CREEPY!! And if you wanna find out, let’s just say I’m not typing with my hands!!!
Hi my name is Summer and I am ten years old .My Speacial talent is I roll my belly up and down
I am turning 9 next week and about to start 4th grade in the fall. I know two presidential speeches by heart, Barack Obama’s Victory Speech from November 2008 and FDR’s 1st Commencement Address from 1933 (I know the first 1000 words of that one right now).
At my school the teachers won’t let me be in the talent contest because the acts have to be 2 minutes or less. Do you want me on your show even though it takes awhile to say a presidential speech?
My name is TyJayJuan Wilson from Fort Worth, Texas and I won six trophies for rapping in my talent show
hey im Nissi..i live in Ireland and trust me im a great craack to be with im and irish broaad hahaha lol
but thats not the point i alwways wanted to be an actress/singer/presenter and me being in icarly would be the biggest dreaam come truee.. Trust me if you pick me you will never regret im very serious at what i do .. and trust me i would be a great crack
love nissi
HI I’m Ethan i’m 12 years old My Secert talent is Gymastic
Hi My Name Is Rachelle Daniel I love Acting And Dancing When i act and dance i express my feelings. I would love to be on Figure it out Show .
Thank You
Hi I”M Ethan I”m 12 years old My secert talent is sailing
my talent is manga draw i hope you pick me
hi iam taina iam 11 and my talent is singing and i won a award for winning at a candy eating comtest and if i go on this show you wont figure out my talent
and i won a contest for drinking non toxic panit and aiming at worms
my name is charles johnson i just turned 13 i am an amazing musician i play the flute piccolo and the recorder i will be an amazing contestant so pick me
Hi I’m 14 years old and when I was in the 2nd grade I won 1st place for my county coloring contest. I would love to be this show because I love nickelodeon and I really want to be slimed it would be an honor. So I hope you pick me thanks
Hi im 12 years old and my talent is singing i am really good at it and when i first heard of this show i loved it so much and it is my dream to be on tv
My name is Alec Korotney. I am 12. I perform a pretzel knot yoga trick. I’m bery flexible.
Hi,im abby im 8 years old and i am from indiana.my SECRET
talent is touching my head while hopping .i have light skin,blond hair and blue eyes.I am the youngest in my family.If i am picked i will be so graceful,happy and exited PLEASE PICK ME thx
Hi,im abby im 8 years old and i am from indiana.my hidden talent is touching my head while hopping .i have light skin,blond hair and blue eyes.I am the youngest in my family.If i am picked i will be so graceful,happy and exited
I’m 13 year old
My name is Bailey. I have two hidden talents, one; I’m extremely flexible. Two; I can play the piano blind folded.
Hi I’m 12 years old live in Missouri and I have 2 special hidden talents.
1. I sing nersery rymes with my mouth closed.
2. I can text 25 words in under 25 seconds.
Please pick me to be on Figure It Out! I want to get slimed!
I like watching figure it out i would to be a guest superstar to answer or get any questions right. All im asking is can you please pick me christopher calhoun as a star i love what u do on the show keep it up great job. You people like the show i would never miss at all.!!!!!!!
I am10 years ok’d and I can juggle a soccer ball do the splits do Cartweels and do a head stand for a very long time and I can also do the handstand and I can play goalie in soccer and I also have a boyfriend named Connor Vargus and I can swim very good
Hi my name is Stephanie Rodriguez i have a very cool talent my talent is Taekwondo i won a gold medal in the national championships i would love to be on figure it out its been a dream of mine to be on live tv. thank you for reading this and take me into conceiteration!!
Hello, my name is sharif im 14 years old, african american, and my talent is I perform by spinning and tossing flags, rifles, and sabres
My name is anais and i can write my first and last name without looking
My name is Gracie I love figure it out and I would love to be a part of it. I have many hidden talents I’ve sang in two talent shows,acted in a play,nobody but my parents know this but I can move my bone to music and anything,I love to dance I can dance to hip hop or rap or jazz,I can write in any font,I can wiggle my ears,and I love to play dead,fake faint,in joking matters,I love to kartwheel even though I’m not the best kartwheeler,I can eat Mac n cheese faster than anyone else,and love to teach tiny dogs to do funny things. I love figure it out and I hope you pick me.
Hi my name is kelani and my talebt is to copy step from willoromodlesw smith to attend talent shows.i hope ypu pick me cause they will never beable.to guess my talent.
i can also sing pretty good. i formed a band that actually made an album. Thanks for reading, once again.
Hey, i’m Abby and i can name all 50 states in alphabetical order and name all of their capitals. I represent my hometown, Cleveland, Ohio. Oh, and if that doesn’t convince you, i can play the piano with my feet :). I’m 10 years old and i hope to meet Jeff Supthen. Well thanks for reading this. i hope you consider letting me on the show.
Hi I’m kassidy I am 13 and I do singing and acting my number is 8506286363 I am pretty and tall I’m 5’6 just let me know when the next auditions I enjoy being on tv and always wanted to be discovered
hi im virginia and i can sing opera
I am 10 years old, and I can play piano with my eyes blindfolded
Hi my name is muradif, i am 13 years old, my hidden talent is drawing by looking strat at a image/drawing i draw grafiti art work i draw my own cartoon caracters and cartoons from tv like sponge bob,dbz,war machine dragons
My hidden talent is drawing I can draw any thing by looking at the picture directly at them
Hey guys my name is Heather and my talent is I can listen to a song that I have never ever even heard and sing a few words or the whole song with out listaning to the song befor. Please pick me to be a contestont I really need a vacation with my family.:)
Hi my name is taniqua and i will be great for this role my favorite character is sam.i am 10 years old i am also african american i hope you really pick me.people in life have dreams like me and cant succeed them like me because s i hope i get this role.
hi this is rayneisha and i have a speacial talent and my speacial talent is drinking 2 gallons of water in under 3mins.
I don’t exactly know if you consider this a talent(lol), but i can vibrate my vocal cords so they make it sound like i have a double voice:) I am 13, and…a girl
Please pick me! I would totally love to be on figure it out and it sounds so fun! Thanks!
I WILL love to be on figur it out my talent is baseball and football
Hi my name is Melissa and when first heard about this show its perfect for me. My talent is that I can make weird, loud , dolphin noises.
my dream is to be on figure it out. my talent is im a very dramatic x singer that positions an ax handle very firm and swings very direct
I want to get on the show. I am 11 yrs old. I have a wacky talent,it is twirling a baton.
I can run while eating ice cream while doing math I am not old enough but think about it I really want to be on the show please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hi my name is hannah keetch i live in mansfild tx, and my sister , Mallory keetch can do a backbend and pick up twislers with her tongue while upside down,she is 15 and i think she would be great .plzzz pick her it would mean a lot.thank you.
I can make the doll gumby from paper towels. I found out i could do this when I was 5 years old. I still have it today and i make them when i have to babysit little kids. I have watched figure it out for a long time and I absolutely love it! Please pick me. I would really appreciate it.
My name is Bethany and I am 9, my talent is that My thumbs are double jointed and I bend them backwards
My name is Katie Kingman and I can say my ABC’s backwards in less than 3 seconds xD
hi i am natalie i turn 12 in decmber 27 i can make any kind of cat like me. like a wild one
My name is Sara Kate Phelps. My talent is baton twirling, hula hooping (on my wrist)< and singing/raping simultaneously. I would love to be on Figure It Out! I live in Rockwall, Texas (Near Dallas) and travel is no issue. Thanks!
Hi, my name is myles and i would love to be on the nickelodeon show ” Figure it Out”. My talent is having the most lego collection out of all my friends combined from around the US. I would put ” Most Lego Collection from friends around the US. I have about 50 lego creations and a full tub of 700 legos. I have about 22,000 lego bricks bricks all together. I am a lego club member and love collecting them. Please pick me for a contestant. Thank you.
Hi I’m Monique but people call me mo I love acting and I love to sing
My special talents are unicycleing while playing a recorder
trust me nickelodeon you will be amazes by my spinning book talent
hello nickelodeon, my name is oluseyanu and i won a spinning book competition for tricks and endurance. I could spin book while stand, lying, sitting, eating, reading, even my legs over
Hey, i’m Eric, and i played piano for 3 years
i can spin a basketball on my nose im 13
p.s. i really want a nintendo 3ds
hi my talent is that i can spin a baskrt ball on my nose
p.s. i’m 13
Hi my names Alexis I am 14 years old. I have a talent in dance, but the dance comes from Korea. It’s very special. I live in Mississippi. I would love to come on and show you all about it. Please choose me. Please give me a chance.
Hi my name is Kane lakes and I’m 11 years old and love to be on the show. My talent is a mortal kombat king I beat all of my friends and family at it.
my name is carladrian i would like to be on the show.i am 8 years old.my taland is dancing but, a speail kind.
my name is kenneth metts i live in peoria il. i am 10 years old and my talents are singing and playing the violin i really wanted to get on this show i hope you guys pick me.
I am 12 years old and I have a wacky talent. I can pop out my angel wing abnormally far and I can open a fridge with it. Please, please, please, choose me!
Hi, my name is Elisa Holley. I turned 12 on December 1, 2011. I live in Porter Ranch, California ( which is close to downtown LA). I am a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, and I can break boards with some pretty sick kicks. Plus, i’ve always wanted to get SLIMED!!! If you pick me, i would be the happiest ( and most likely greenest) 12 year old ever!!!
My name is jeremiah lucas i am 1 of 8 children and i can say the alphabet backwards in less than 5 seconds, please pick me
Hello Nickelodeon peoples, I’m Greg from Staten Island, New York. I have many talents, like drums! I’m 9 and play like I’m 39! I watch FIGURE IT OUT every week!!! I’m funny, smart and I think I would make a great contestant!!! THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
or my other talent is i can create amazing stories
I’m 9 and can play drums like a 35 year old! I live in Staten Island, New York. I REALLY HOPE YOU PICK ME!!! PLEASE!!! THANK YOU SO SOOOO MUCH! I LOVE NICK!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi im Jesse timmerman and im 13 years old, my talent is making illusions with just marker and paper
hi my name is Brittany Barajas i live in California, and my talent is i compete in singing competitions for my school
Hi, I’m brittney lamkin. I live in spring, Texas. I am in middle school, and my talent is I can sing, and draw 😀 it’s not very original, but I try
I have a brother named Cameron Edinger. He is 13. I would like to audition him for Figure it out. He has this crazy collection of German Toys thats worth a lot of money. We both live in Columbus, Ohio. Please choose my brother. He would be great!
I have a world record pending for being the only kid to play and win a championship and score playing basketball one handed
I have a world record pending for only kid to play basketball one handed
hi i’m 12 years old and i am a juggler that juggles rings,clubs and diabolo also i have been in the circus for 3 years i go ti tiisevelt middle and i love to preform anywhere in general so it would be an honor to be on the show and my talent is very wacky i am also a great joker and a pretty good actor
Irealley want to be on figure it out becausei have a cool talent I can have a pole cert and I am only 11 years old my family thunder I’m awesome so figure it out beat that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ¡¡¡¡!¡¡#!!!!!!$$$$$$$$:):)
hi i know i must be be bothering you but ……………… I am dying to tell you my talent . So i guess i’ll tell you my talent is
MAKING INCREDIBLE CHECKER BOARD PLACEMATS BY CUTTING AND FOLDING PAPER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please pleaseplease please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please pick me so i can show you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi im nickoli i live in zepher hills florida and my talent is cooking.
Im 13 from kentucky, and i can do some crazy stuff
Hi my name is Reilly i’m 16 years old and I’m from Bethany Beach, Delaware and my talent is i am a young contortionist (: please pick me for your show, i guaruntee that they won’t guess my talent!!
My name is Janei Chavarria and I just turned 13 years old on June,21. My special talent is: Sing the National Anthem while flipping. I live in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I go to Northern Hills Middle School and if you choose me just contact them.
My name is Janei Chavarria and I just turned 13 years old on June,21. My special talent is: Sing the National Anthem while flipping. Please choose me, I live in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I go to Northern Hills Middle School and if you choose me just contact them.
I can get a drink with my feet. While my feet are over my shoulders
hi its Gianna again!!!!!!! i just wanted to remind you i am going to be 9 on june 30th and as an ultimate b-day present from you is for you to pick me…I hope this site is real because i’v been on a lot of websites that were fake and i was very upset ..Hopefully you pick me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello my name is Rebecca, I am almost nine.My talent is I can hip hop dance pretty good for my age.I’m eight years old and I am a girl.I can do a bridge and other cool things.Hope I hear from you thanks for reading this.
oh and ps: i relley hope i make it looks like its really fun to be on!
hi my name is Izabella Garcia and my talent is drawing Chinese drawings better in the family (IM NOT CHINESE) oh and im 10
hi my name is tiffany and i love to sing i know its a talent that alote of people have but i would be so happy if i could go on yalls show a have a pation for singing and i thank that they will not geuss my talent thank you for reading this messege
my talent is fake crying
im ashlynne elrod. im 14. i can make motorcycle noises with my mouth.
My name is Gianna and I wil be 9 years old in 5 days!!! My dream is to be chosen for this show. I watch it ALL THE TIME !!!!!! My mom and dad say I am loaded with talent. I always read before I go to bed which has made me very smart over the years. In fact I am on the honor roll in school. BUT, i bet you can’t guess what my talent is!!!!! Please pick me so I can show you.
i can draw the lone star with my feet in paint, and i can make up dance from the top of my head
My name is Andrea Bannister. I have many talents, but I really like this one: I can whistle quickly and good.
eyes: brown
Height: 5-3
Weight: 105
Body type thin/slim
Talent: Dancer: hip hop, Jazz, Ballet and Belly Dancing, Singing: Pop, Country, RnB, Soul
Hie i am 17 year old african american and i am so dedicated, im a female acting is my passion and i dont live a life full of opportunities and it you could just give me a chance to be part of your movie you wont be dissapointed, this is my dream to be an actor and you can help me make it come true, i am hardworker, dedicated, work well with others, i follow directions and i promise you i wont let you down, please give me this chance thank you so much.
Hello, I would love to work with you guys,,,I am Hispanic and fluent in English and Spanish
D.O.B: March 13,2000
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair color: Sandy Brown ( hair changes color in light)
Location: Dearborn Hieghts, Michigan, USA
Hobbies: Cheerleading, Acting,Caring for pets, and Track Competitions
Idol: Spongebob Squarepants
Talent: I can move m ears up and down like Dr. Suess and i am very athletic
Ive always loved all of my hobbies and ive been looking for the perfect audition, and i think i may have found it and also my dad is a proessonal boxer and his name is Lanardo Tyner . Thank you
– Nardica Tyner
I am an honor student and a ballroom dancer at the ripe old age of 13 years old. I like to travel. I really like your show.
Hi my name is kamya farmer i am 13.For being a honor student i got a letter from the mayor and i forgot i live in portsmouth,virginia. Please pick me i watch your show all the time
We really want to be on the show we have hidden talents
Hi I am 10 and I a cool talent.Please pick me PLEASE
Hey I am 10 and i have a cool talent can you please choose me PLEASE
I have a really good talent and i would love to be a contestent on this show. please put me on the show i’ll be a champion.
Hi, my name is Andrew! I’m 11 years old and I live in Southern CalIfornia! I have a great talent! I make balloon animals at a local pizza parlor! I think this is a great talent because you can explore your creativity! I learned how to make a jetpack balloon once by playing around with a few of them! I have blonde hair and BIG blue eyes! I have attended the speech meet for my school since I have been able to, and have also attended the spelling bee and math Olympics! I am so lucky to be able to do all sorts of fun things, because when I was 2 and a half years old, I was diagnosed with T-cell Leukemia and my parents were told how aggressive the disorder was, and how it would affect my body in many ways. The radiation done on my body to kill the cancer was supposed to take away my brain and my parents were told I would never be able to read. But here I am! It would be a huge honor to be featured on your show! I used to watch Brain surge, which was also hosted by Jeff Sutphen, He’s HILARIOUS! I am ready to stump the judges and win the GRAND PRIZE! I Also really want to get SLIMED! Dont worry, I can travel to wherever you host the show. Thanks for reading my entry, and good luck to everyone entering!
My name is Destiny Jardin and my talent is that “I can swing the legs of a metal TV tray around my body.
hey, i’m aliyah i live in California and my talent is rapping really fast.
Hi! My name is Olivia. I’m 9 years old, and have tons of personality, charm, and a little sass! I LOVE “Figure it Out” and would love to be a contestant. I have brown eyes, brown hair, and a contagious smile. My high energy would make a great episode!!!
this is the best game show ever. hope I get on this game show.
Hey, my name is Shannon and I just turned 13 in May. My special talent is designing and sewing dolls and hats out of my own pattern-pieces and making clay sculptures that are less than half an inch long. So I guess if I were on the show, my special talent would be “Designs hats and dolls and makes clay scuptures that measure less than half an inch”…That’s not too long of a clue, is it? By the way, I love the show! Keep up the funny stuff and bring on the slime! ;P
Hi, my name is Olivia and my talent is doing a thumbs up with my toes.
Thank You
Please pick me if i could send a pic i would
Hi i am Tyler Martin i live in Fort Worth, Texas i am 13 years old and i have a talent that no one can guess it is picking my nose with my toung and can touch my elbow with my toung i really wish that i can be picked. Please consider picking me i know i wont let you down please i know nobody NOSE my talent ha ha ha please think long and hard.
I am an 8 year old 55 pound star bantam chity champion wrestler. I live in Indiana, Indianapolis. I would love to be a part of the show. Choose me you won’t be sorry,
We would like to be a part of this show. We think it would be a good chance to show off our talent! We are 14.
I can touch my forehead with my feet jumping. I am the most flexible person in Raleigh. I hope yall pick me.
Hello my. Name is faith and i am 17 yrs old my talent is acting and i would be honored to be on your show
Hi im Joshua and my special talent is Doing Backflips of Swings For Fun
I am a 6 year old multi record holder for track and field. I have the best record in long jump, the 60, and the long distance race. I am from Indianapolis, Indiana. I am full of personality and energy. Pick me, pick me!!
I am a 6 year old multi record holder for track and field. I have the best record in long jump, the 60, and the long distance. I am from Indianapolis, Indiana. I am full of personality and energy. Pick me, pick me!!
hi my name is makayla and my talent is to wave my stomach.
My name is Jacqueline Gutierrez and I am 8 years old and my birthday is November 19. I have an older brother who is going to be turning 13, on July 4th. I would love to be a part of your show because I would love to win the vacation that you give away. I know that I will need a nice vacation when my brother turns into a teenager:( because I know that once he is a teen he is going to make my life worse. I also have won two lemon pie eating contests and I know I will win again this year at the Goleta, CA Lemon Festival. This will be my hidden talent. Thank you for reading this and I hope you pick me:) Jacqueline
Hello, my name is Ashley Santos and I just got out of the 6th grade but while in the 6th grade I was chosen to sing the National Anthem for a High School graduation. I was the first choice for all the judges and I am proud to say that I was the FIRST 6th grader ever to sing the National Anthem for the seniors! I would love to show this talent of mine on television and watch a few of my favorite celebrities guess my talent!
Please email me for more information! 
I wish I can be on the show and show my talent o people best show I love it and it just came out
u should put me on cuz a superfunny and goin kid and i awesome talent dat noone figure out!!!!!!!!!!!! (:
i am 9 years old>
I am 13 and I’m a ameatuer voice actress.
Hi im Ryan Breitmeyer and i’m 11, and my talent is…painting and paying games
, i could show you my best painting…oh and i live in Astoria, OR (oregon)
I can remember details of a picture or room scene using photograpic memory and i can tell u the details about it. Only using one twenty second period of time to see all the details.
Hi my name is Taylor. I am 12. I have a wacky talent. I can play a rubics cube while in a backbend!!! It is very hard. It takes hand eye coordination. I beg you please pick me thankss!!!!!!!!!!
I am 14,5foot 3inches, and i do backflips off of swing sets.
My hidden talent is balancing on an exercise ball with no feet touching the ground while juggling and singing
Pick me please! My hidden talent is balencing on a ball juggling and sing at the same time!
I can eat a donut while doing cartwheels and end with the splits
My talents are, playing the guitar, whistling with just my tounge, singing a REALLY high note and I can spell almost EVERY single word perfectly.
My name is nate i can make my eys shank my side to side while blinking and my age is 10
I can balance two beyblades on my arm witout dropping them. I am eight years old.
I am twelve I also sing I am the best in my choir class
Putting foot behind head while standing up and landing in the splits
I am 12 years old and I have a rare talent… I can stand on a laundry basket and walk while playing the guitar! (All at the same time!)
I sent my audition in already I think everyone should. My talent is performing hip hop stalls to win dance competitions I hope they chose me
Hi, my name is Aryeal Mansell. I have short brown hair and I have a light tan with blue-green eyes and very tall for my age (Im 5’1). I am 10 with 0 siblings and I go to Skaith Elementary and I am the BEST speller and reader and I have VERY many different talents that the judges could NEVER guess. I live in Saint Joseph, Missouri and its a very small town and not that much talent and I hope you pick me!!
I have an awesome ability. I can make perfume with some natural materials. Water, whatever smells essence, and sometimes pine.
im olivia im 9 and i live in SC my talent is rapping rapidly fast! its so cool
My name is Saanie Naqvi. I am 12 yrs old, i turned 12 on april 12th. i live in sylvania, ohio. i have a special talent. i can look at a picture and draw it almost exactly as it is. i heard of this show, and thought maybe, just maybe i could get in. i really think that i have a gift and so does my family.i really think you could ue me as a contestant on your show. I dont think your celebs are ready to figure out my talent!
i am latavia tatyana reese i just turned 17 april 23 and my secret talent is dancing and reading really fast i also lots of hiden talents
I am homeschooled and I make my own laundry detergent. I think that is a pretty good talent for an eleven year old!
i know this show is for kids but can young adult with a specail talent join as a contestent
I can eat a banana why doing a backward roll its crazy.im 10
Hi my name is joseph im 9 in live in florida my talent is dancing
wait my crazy talent is i can talk very fast, by the wat i live in calera alabama
my crazy talent is that i can sing and i can play dump -by the way im 12 and i live in calera,alabama
Hi I know that this is a show for kids but I use to watch this show when it first came out in the 90s and I always wanted to be on the show. What would be the oldest a contestant can be?
My name is Alex .I like to dance and sing.I”m 7 years old and I live in Indiana.I have 2 sisters named Lilly and Katelynn.I have really dark hair and brown eyes.Imthe best reader in my class.I REALLY want to be on this show!
my name is Raquel im going to be 12 december 20th i am and the youngest from my brother and i really want a chance to show you what i can do. i live in LA and im mexican please pic me
Hi, I’m ashley and I know this show is for kids with cool talents but what about a normal talent? for example… singing?? playing and instrument? Does that count?
I have a awesome talent I would be awesome try to gess it? :p
This sounds like an amazing oppertunity and I have many talents to contrubute. I live in a small town in Idaho but travel is no issye. I am 17 and involved in many academic programs at my highschool. I have brown hair and hazel eyes and always pack my personality and crazy attitude with me where ever I go. Please pick me to be apart of this amazing oppurtunity!!!
PSS: you dont find much Talent in Alabama So You might Want to Take this Chance :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):);)
My name is Destiny La’mone Tatum Jr…. I Am 15 years old and i have VARIOUS TALENTS and if I were in The show Figure It Out it would take YOU CELEB’S A VERY VERY VERY LONG TIME TO GUESS MY TALENT. Its not cause i have so many talents; that I want to be on the show, its just my least expected talent that will get you. Ps: I live in Madison, Alabama
Hi I’m 11 and have a rare talent.
I want on this show
My name is Jonise Edwards I just turned 17 April 21. I am light skin with hazel eyes and black hair. I have 6 brothers and I am the oldest. I would love to be apart of this show. I am also an honor student at Arabia mountain High School. I live in Stone Mountain Ga. Please Choose me